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Sunday, April 17, 2011


I felt this entry should be one of its own. On Tuesday (the 12th), we had to say goodbye to my best buddy, and most favorite running partner, Tuff. I had put it off as long as I could and it was all for selfish reasons, so I decided enough was enough. In the last 5 weeks, Tuff had become a "study" for Bill, our vet and close friend. He ran more tests, did laser treatment every other day along with a medicated bath, and gave him more meds. Finally, a positive test result: Cushings Disease. Something that can be managed, in some situations, but will never go away. We attempted the meds and there was no improvement. He had swelling in one of his feet, that was obviously painful, along with bleeding out of his side. While I justify his death, I know I don't really need to. Every friend that would visit us and see him, told us it was bad. He got out last week, and the lady that found him called us with, "When was the last time you have seen your dog?" When Marc answered about 15 minutes prior...she was appauled and threatened to call and report us for animal abuse. Once Marc explained, she was apologetic, but needless to say, he didn't deserve to be forced to live in this condition.

I have so many memories of my Tuffy. He protected me, stayed close to me, ran with me regularly (although more in the earlier part of his short life), looked at me with pure love, played with me, and loved me.

Marc was "banned" from the room because I didn't think I could handle him, as well as myself, during his last moments. Bill came in and said, "Sorry, I couldn't fix him." As he looked down, I saw his tears drop on Tuff. I asked him to reassure me that we had done everything. He did. He was the best dog I've ever known. Born an "old soul," he was never misbehaved. I will always remember our special times.

Years ago...camping

1 comment:

  1. Tuff was lucky to have had such a loving, active and caring family, and I am SO sorry for your loss.
