this very moment, I was being wheeled into the recovery room. Not that I remember any of it. I don't remember anything until about 4am when I decided I was going to hop out of bed and take a shower. Needless to say, the shower NEVER happened, not until I came home.
I am one year post-op and although this year has screamed by, I am ready to not have any more "hip surgery anniversaries." From one week, to one month, to 6 months, to 11 months, to now, one year. This should be it. As I sit here, I have a bit of a reminder, as I think I always will, with a tiny ache in my quad. For some reason, rain or snow gives me this ache. Sometimes worse, but always manageable with Ibuprofin, and hardly worth mentioning.
In the last year, I have gone through 6 months of physical therapy, ran all sorts of trails that they said I would never be able to run, and finished a marathon. Mentally, I have learned that there is more to life than running, enjoyed hikes with my husband (mental because I would have never thought nor slowed down enough to hike before), and trust that I will not get fat if I don't run 60+ miles a week. I am a much more balanced person: I spend tons of time with my teenage daughters (Happy Birthday Halee!) and my husband, play with my cats, work on house projects, think of creative ways to teach my students, and enjoy watching nature.
I always say that God has a wonderful plan even though it may be hard to see it when you are right in the middle of it. But God definately had a plan for me! And His plan is ALWAYS better than mine, even this time.
Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Nada Jelaskan
4 months ago