Since Dr. Byrd in Tennessee wants me to wait, I guess I should just resign myself to staying in Colorado to have surgery, which isn't all that bad. We will save the money on the plane tickets and hotel. My husband will probably not have to take as many days off of work, which is a good thing. I was not looking forward to a 3 hour flight home after surgery, but willing to do what I had to do...but since I don't HAVE to do it, I'm not going to complain. Anyways, back to thinking I will stay here.
Noelle, a patient of Dr. Philippon and now a 'go-to' for me, commented on my last post triggering a phone call today. She asked me if I had called Dr. Brian White in Denver. Why I had spaced this doctor in Denver, I am not sure; however, he is a doctor that studied under Philippon and has a much shorter wait time. So I called and have an appointment next Wednesday with him. I was told that his wait time for surgery is only 3-6 weeks. Once again, my hopes are back up.
In the meantime, I received a call from Madeline at Dr. Philippon's office. She said that he had reviewed my films and felt I was a good candidate for surgery. Nothing about my stress fracture. Things that make you go, "Hmmmm." So I will wait to hear how soon I can get in, but have a feeling it will still be that dreaded 6 months. It's okay, I have gotten use to all of this for now. It is not my timing any longer, that is obvious.
What I am looking forward to, 70 degree days! We have a bunch coming and it has been 30s and 40s still in Colorado. Sunshine and gardening hasn't sounded better.
Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Nada Jelaskan
4 months ago
YAY!!! Denver is even better than Vail, and MUCH better than Tennessee!!!!