When I shared my last trip to the mall with friends, they so eagerly told me about the carts that are available to ride around on...I replied, "Where?" "When you go in!" Well, considering there are about 20 entrances into any given mall, I am not sure I ever really got an answer and once again, yesterday, found myself asking where are those carts? I'm not sure it would really matter, because the mall is one place I would probably opt out of the embarassment.
Christian is turning 12 in a few days and she decided she would love to go on a shopping spree for her brithday. Since we are going on vacation this week and will be gone until her birthday, and actually because she had a $10 off $50 or more coupon, we went yesterday. She brought her fashion consultant, Corina. She had a gift card for Target (which by the way are limited on motorized carts as well) and then wanted to venture into the mall. Marc offered to stay home and clean up the house while we were gone. Target was okay, but since I had such a rough day on Friday, my armpits were already tired when we began our journey. And yes, it was a journey - for me anyways.
The mall: first, where should we park to minimize walking? They wanted to go to Aeropostale and Old Navy. We decided to park outside of JCPenney which was the closest department store to these two stores. We had to park pretty far out because it was Saturday and the mall was busy. Once we were in the store, I told them that I would meet them in Aero, so that they didn't have to wait for me. Of course, they carried the keys and my wallet for me...something else that can be a pain on longer walking trips. As I walk, I guess that's what it's called, girls handed me samples...which is very nice. They would suggest I just slip them in my pockets. I guess it was that obvious I wasn't going to be carrying anything. Once I met up with Christian I unloaded my samples onto her. (Bath and Body Works is very generous these days.) Then I stood around Aero because she actually wanted my advice too. Nice to know I am still needed. I stood, and shifted, and moved over when I was in someone's way. And then stood some more. I was exhausted and so ready to go back home; however, I didn't know how I was going to get from the store back to the car. Christian was on to Old Navy. I asked if I could park on a bench and wait. I had given her cash, thank goodness...so she had money. She was understanding.
Finally, after some more waiting, but on a bench this time, Christian came around the corner with a huge smile on her face. I had wanted to do everything I could to make it a special time, but was worried that I was ruining it. The smile helped me know that her time shopping had been a success. Although we only went to three stores, she got 4 complete outfits and a super Diva pair of sunglasses. I am glad that I was able to go with her and give her what she wanted, but I am also happy that shopping trips to the mall are over for a while. While I was sitting on the bench I posted to facebook, "I will not come back to the mall until I am able to walk on two legs." That is the truth. So for anyone who googled, "Mall and Crutches," my advice is to wait until you do not have those crutches. It isn't worth it unless you are going as an unselfish gesture for someone else.
This leads me to my final thought. As I read blogs about hip surgery, it seems one of the biggest hang-ups post-op are the crutches. How do you open doors and keep them open? How do you carry your food to the table? Just two examples. On a positive note, I have worked out all of these kinks and know how to do all of this now. You open the door and hold it with your right crutch while you move through it quickly...your crutch works as a stopper. If the door opens away from you, use your butt and back into it. Carrying food...this is why my armpits are sore. I hold the crutch between my arm and body and carry the food with that hand. Usually it's only a few feet. If I do it too many times in one day, I am sore the next. Sometimes water bottles have loops on them to carry them. (I am thinking of purchased sports bottles.) I use those so that I can hold it with a few fingers and walk at the same time. The palms of my hands hurt every day and I do not want material cushions on the grips because I am around water so much...any ideas for that? I am looking at about one month until surgery if all goes as planned. With vacation just a few days away, time will pass by ever so quickly.
Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Nada Jelaskan
4 months ago
Sounds like you are...managing. Christian sounds adorable and we can't wait to see all of you out here in CA.. Relaxing, sitting around the pool and being waited on... What's not to like? Love ya. Dad