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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Night Before Surgery

And all through the was in perfect order, well- kind of, except I have the cleaning lady scheduled to come tomorrow so when I get home, it will be perfect. She will be coming weekly for three weeks so I don't go crazy. I had a great day today. I was busy from the moment it started until now. I am super tired. I twisted balloons, oh I will post photos when I get them, for 10 or so First Graders! Twisting balloons is something I wanted to know how to do many years ago, so I bought some books and learned how to do it. Now I only do it at my school carnival and for my very close friend's this case, Ella, Scheri's daughter turned 6. The balloons were a hit, but it reminded me of the first week of school when the energy from the classroom and everything I put back into teaching wears me out and I am asleep by 7pm. And these little ones were only 6!!! This is exactly why I teach 5th grade and not 1st. As cute as they are, they have A LOT of energy! My favorite request for the day, a wallaby! A what? I suggested a ladybug, or a cat? She settled on a zebra in which the Sharpie did most of the work on a white balloon. It was a fun time. Christian helped me while Halee face painted.

My CPM machine came today. It is actually a very nice one. I was happy. Nice cushion on it. It is an upgrade from that 1980's picture I posted a while ago on my blog. My bag is kind of packed, and now I just need to get my last night's sleep without booties for a while. I am thinking I should say this is my last post before surgery, but I hope I can write a sentence or two in the morning! If not, I'll write as soon as recovery permits.

1 comment:

  1. good luck. ill be praying for you and sending healing thoughts your way.....the is the beginning of your new life....healed and stronger thanbefore.
